At the Daniel Payne Legacy Village Foundation, our goal is to service our community through our signature programs and partnerships.
Daniel’s Pantry
Our Daniel’s Pantry Program consists of serving hot meals every Friday at the Plaza and quarterly grocery giveaways at the Plaza.
Vouch for Me
Vouch for Me is a FREE community-based program in partnership with
the Birmingham Transit Authority (BJCTA), providing non-emergency medical transportation services to and from medical appointments, grocery stores, and pharmacies to individuals in the Birmingham area. Vouchers are available through Birmingham Paratransit and Daniel Payne. Click here to apply to the porgram.
Youth Basketball Program
Our youth basketball program was created to aid in reducing gun violence and promoting healthy activity for young men and boys in Birmingham and surrounding areas. Midnight Run is led by Tamas James on Friday nights and Coach Jeff Collins leads a group of boys in training.
Home Buyer’s Program
Our 8 week home buyer training sponsored by the programs quarterly partner which is designed to teach individuals what they need to purchase a home, why they need those things, when is the right time to purchase, and where they can locate funding assistance.
Computer Classes
Computer classes are hosted on Tuesdays and Thursdays in partnership with the Salvation Army at their desegnated location.
Get Fit While You Sit
Each week over 100 seniors visit the Plaza to participate in Get Fit While You Sit classes which are held every Tuesdays and Thursdays and led by Coach Maestro and Louis Germany. Classes are sponsored by State Representative Juandalynn Givan
Legacy Prep
We’ve partnered with Legacy Prep, Birmingham’s first public charter school for K-6 grade, to serve over 400 families during the school year. Legacy Prep has a relentless commitment to provide a high-quality education to scholars who need it the most. They are promise-keepers and will do whatever it takes to achieve their vision.
In partnership with UAB’s Trio Education Opportunity Center (EOC), we are able to provide access to GED classes and support, mentoring and tutoring, test preparation, and personal counseling.
Midnight Run Partners
Jeff Collins
Tamas James
Education Partners
Dr. Reneta Johnson & Legacy Prep Board of Directors
Riko Drakes & UAB Education Opportunity Center
Demetria Scott & UAB ASBA Program
The City of Birmingham Division of Youth Services
Economic Partners
Valley Bank
Regions Bank
Alamerica Bank
Carver State Bank
Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (FHLB)
National Ass. of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB)
Technology Partners
Jehan Quinn & The Salvation Army
Wellness Partners
State Representative Juandalynn Givan
City of Tarrant
Lois Germany & Coach Maestro
Navigate Housing Partners
Alabama Power Foundation
Birmingham Black Nurses Association
Special Acknowledgements
-All the volunteers & staff members of Daniel Payne Legacy Village Foundation
-Daniel Payne Leagacy Village Foundation’s Board of Directors
-Presiding Prelate Bishop Harry L. Seawritght
-The 9th District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (Alabama)